Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What happens in Vegas...

Hola folks! All I can say about Vegas is I LOVED IT!!! Amanda and I had so much fun. We got there the first day and took in the Hoover Dam and Red Rock Canyon before checking into the Cortez in historic Vegas. Then we walked down Fremont Street (which is again part of Historic Vegas) and were just taking it all in. That night was when it all started :) We went onto the Strip and just walked up and down. We saw the Treasure Island show, which is what Amanda kept talking about, it's the one thing she can vaguely remember last time she was here. However, since Amanda and I were exhausted from the drive and neither one of us has really slept in a while we headed back in for the night around 11:30pm. I know who does that?! But the next day was so much better.

We got up and had lunch and then went straight to the strip. We were going down the part we didn't get to the night before and decided to check prices to see Cirque de Soleil the Beatles show at the Mirage. Holy crap they were expensive for not so great seats so unfortunately we didn't get to do that. We decided to gamble our sorrows away at the Bellagio haha. Neither one of us being gamblers, we just stuck to the penny slots. At one point we were up to $30 :) but then lost half of it. We stopped playing at $15 so we made $10 since we started with 5. I'll take it, it bought half our dinner haha. I was deteremined to see a show so we checked prices for the Blue Man show in the Venetian. As we were getting the tickets (which I was stoked about) haha guess who walks up?! Daniel and Janet Perry (the owners of Daniel's if you didn't know). At this point I am slightly buzzed because you drink for free while gambling and this guy on the strip gave up free beer pong and shots earlier (all before 4pm). So the guy behind the desk is irritated with me because I'm not focusing on purchasing the tickets but who cares, I wanted to talk to Daniel and Janet. Well after that we just went to dinner and back to the strip for the show. They were so funny and then we got pictures with them afterwards. It was pretty sweet, though they are slightly creepy.

Well after all our adventures in Vegas we had to pack it up and go. Until later...bye guys!


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